So we survived the drive to the Taj; which is a fantastic monument from an Emperor to his departed wife. The Taj took 20,000 workers 22 years to build! The emperor and his wife were married 19 years, and she gave him 14 children, dieing during childbirth of the last one. He also had a hareem of wives making babies, but this was his favorite wife. After spending the countries money on this tomb for his wife, his plan was to build another in black marble for himself. Thats when his children locked him up and threw away the key. Probably a good idea...
I think it's time for David to dump the john deere and move up to some real grass cutting power - the two water buffalo reel mower with built in grass catcher. Perfect for the mogul who has everything!
Of course, this being India, men arn't the only ones who get the fancy tools to mow the lawn. Women also get some nifty devices to make the yard look neat: