I made it to New Delhi, India with out incedent and checked into the hotel, which was a pretty swanky place. First time I've been escorted to my room to register instead of doing it in the lobby. First thing in the morning I took a walk to India Gate
The most impressive thing was the ungodly heat and humidity at 6am. The next thing I noticed as I walked down the street was that this neiborhood is the home for all the high-ranking Indian government officials, and they all have armed gards posted all around their homes. I'm not sure if that makes me feel safer or more at risk. The third through ninth things I noticed were the heat and humidity. Lastly there were the homeless. They're everywhere; lining the sidewalks are whole families, in the ponds they're bathing, they piss where they stand. And then it gets bad. No pictures of homeless today
I took some pictures on the way to and from work, through the car window (if I open the window the rest of the guys would shoot me--it's well over 100 out there) here's some:
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