Tuesday, January 13, 2009

VDB09 Day 3

Lots of clouds in the morning when we got up, and it was looking questionable as to weather we would be able to go XC due to the development. We launched and worked up to 9,300 feet or so and Kevin two-dogs and I went over the back towards the house. We hadn't gone a mile when the vario started chirping. I looked over at Kev and he was already in big ears (descent manover) so I reached up and grabbed the outside A's as well. My vario really started singing as we went up into the clouds at 1,400 fpm. I kept focused on Kev's wing, grabbed even more outside A's and folded up almost half of my glider while pushing on speed bar. We dropped out of the cloud, right next to each other just as we went in, no problems.

Unfortunatly that was the last of the lift and I landed in a little soccer field just past Sacamacante, about a mile from Jovons restaurant. By the time I got packed up and over the fence, Raul was there to pick me up and take me to lunch.

After lunch we waited on launch watching the hang gliders fly in the strong winds. About 5pm we launched into very, very light lift and boated around for over an hour as the sun set.

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